Free This Week: Daily Treasures from the Word of God Logos eBook

Free This Week: Daily Treasures from the Word of God Logos eBook

20 November, 2013

For “this week only” Logos Bible Software is giving away the daily devotional ebook Daily Treasures from the Word of God by Nicolas and Leona Venditti.

To get this book FREE, use coupon code NVDEVO when you check out.


Why another devotional? Daily Treasures is a new classic Bible-based devotional written for the twenty-first century. The reading calendar and devotionals lead the reader sequentially through each book of the Bible. By investing twenty minutes a day for a year, the reader will read the Old Testament once, and both the New Testament and Psalms twice! This approach stresses continuity, giving the reader familiarity with the content of the Word of God.

The devotionals, drawn from the daily Bible portions, provide faith-strengthening encouragement. They are also practical outlines that can be used in Bible studies and sermons. Daily Treasures from the Word of God is a tool that will profoundly challenge the reader to growth in maturity in Jesus Christ. Although perfect for daily Bible study, this volume is also a fantastic tool for sermon illustrations and can be used to facilitate small group discussions.


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