


Mission Statement

We exist to spread the word about FREE, quality, legal, electronic Christian resources that are available for download on the internet. Our aim is to aid Christians in their daily walk with Jesus and to lead nonbelievers to the Savior through the biblical truths conveyed in these resources. We pray that the Lord will use the resources we share in the lives of our readers to glorify Him by exalting Christ.

What Sets Us Apart

Evangelical. The resources shared are consistent with evangelical theology, holding to such doctrines as the divine inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, the existence of one God in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for sinners and His resurrection, and the necessity of the new birth for salvation.

Multiple Formats. We share eBooks from the following formats: Kindle/mobi, iBooks, NOOK/ePub, PDF, and more.

Variety of Media. We don’t just focus on eBooks. We regularly share mp3s, Bible Software titles, discount codes, and more.

Our Goal is to Share Quality Resources

We are aware of other websites that share free Christian resources. Unfortunately, far too often these sites do not employ a theological filter as they share free stuff, leaving their readers to sift through fluff to maybe find a deal worth reading or using. We endeavor only to share resources that are worth your time, help you grow in grace, and are theologically sound.

Most Deals are Limited-Time Offers

Most of the deals shared on our blog are “limited-time offers.” In other words, the deal may be around for a day or two or upwards of a month. So, please be sure to check the price at the website before pressing the “buy” button to ensure the item is still free.

By using this website, you agree not to hold us (eChristianResources) responsible for any accidental purchases.

The administrator of this site, Daniel Radke, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and no accepts bitcoin for affiliate payments. Click here to learn how and where to buy bitcoin.

About the Admin

meDan Radke is husband to Rachel, former student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and founder of eChristianResources. He also blogs at Dan’s Bible and Books Notebook where he attempts to grasp the whole of Scripture and engage with Christian literature.

In the past, Dan has worked in youth ministry, daycare, high school and currently in college education at Ambassador College of Bible and Ministry in Hudson, WI. Through his writing and ministry, Dan desires to point people of all ages to Jesus as the all-satisfying Savior who is worthy of their worship and life. Dan is passionate about fulfilling a specific aspect of the Great Commission (along with all of it) that many people in ministry often forget or neglect: “…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:20a).

Dan’s formal education includes degrees from the University of Northwestern-St. Paul (B.A., Biblical Studies; B.S., History) in St. Paul, MN. Currently, he is furthering his education and training for a lifetime of ministry by pursuing a Master of Education (M.Ed.) at Reformed Theological Seminary and Master of Divinity (M.Div.) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.