FREE: Ten Indictments against the Modern Church by Paul Washer eBook

FREE: Ten Indictments against the Modern Church by Paul Washer eBook

22 November, 2013

This FREE ebook comes from a sermon that Paul Washer preached at the Revival Conference in Atlanta in 2008. In the sermon, he covers ten indictments against the modern church. These ten indictments are:


1. A Denial of the Sufficiency of Scripture
2. An Ignorance of God
3. A Failure to Address Man’s Malady
4. An Ignorance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
5. An Unbiblical Gospel Invitation
6. An Ignorance Regarding the Nature of the Church
7. A Lack of Compassionate Church Discipline
8. A Silence on Separation
9. A Replacement of the Scriptures Regarding the Family
10. Pastors Malnourished in the Word of God

I have listened just enough to Washer in the past to know that he is very perceptive of hypocrisy and error in others’ teaching. He speaks in such a way that you cannot help but feel convicted by much of what is said. While on the one hand I find myself agreeing with much of what Washer diagnoses as error, I want to encourage discernment as you read his words. Compare them with Scripture and analyze to see if Washer’s statements fit well with God’s Word, or if at times he goes too far in his assessment and perhaps neglects other emphases the Scriptures contain.


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