FREE: True Courage: Emboldened by God in a Disheartening World (Men of God) eBook

FREE: True Courage: Emboldened by God in a Disheartening World (Men of God) eBook

11 November, 2013

This is a book for men, the men of God to stand up and exercise true courage in the midst of a faltering and declining world we live in. The author looks at the book of Daniel chapters 1-6 as the basis for his book.


Bestselling author and Bible teacher, Steve Farrar, reminds us through the story of Daniel that true courage can be ours daily and it comes from the one true Sovereign God.

Everyone can recall as a young child having the courage to head out the door—whether it was to your first day of school, your first game in little league, or your piano lesson. Then life takes over and you lose your bravado, giving in to the fears of the world around you.

In True Courage readers will discover a God who provides incredible courage to us in the midst of uncertainty, even through treacherous, evil days, and the courage to face lions in their den—or an unexpected job loss, the diagnosis of a sick child, or the return of a debilitating cancer.

This FREE offer expires at the end of tomorrow, 11/12.


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