FREE: Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism eBook

FREE: Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism eBook

5 June, 2014

Ever wondered how the theology of John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli passed down after the Reformation era? This free eBook (.Mobi/Amazon and .ePub) traces the history of the Post-Reformed scholars and how they did theology. Available from Reformation Heritage Books.

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This work supplies a long-standing need in the field of early modern studies by providing a basic introduction to Reformed Scholasticism. Although technical studies abound and interest in the subject continues to rise, until the appearance of this work by Willem van Asselt and his colleagues, students of history have lacked a concise guide to help them navigate the difficult waters of Reformed Scholasticism. This book carefully defines the phenomena of scholasticism and orthodoxy, concisely surveys the era, notes the most significant thinkers together with the various trajectories of thought, and references the relevant secondary scholarship. In short, this Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism surveys the topic and provides a guide for further study in early modern Reformed thought.


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