FREE: Mini-Video on What Faith Is

FREE: Mini-Video on What Faith Is

6 August, 2014

Most people don’t have an accurate grasp of what biblical faith is. This mini-video (~3 minutes) helps to clarify what faith is in contrast to what it is not. This would make a good illustration for a message, Bible study, discussion, or for individual learning. You may preview the video before purchasing it once you follow the download link.

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Please Note: You will need to have an account with SermonSpice to download this free video.

Faith! What is it really? Is it a blind faith? Is it all about perspective? Is it a crutch? Is it real…on any level?  What does Scripture say about faith?  This fun, easy-to-follow, stop-animation video will help you refocus on this important word and walk away with the right understanding of it.


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