3 February, 2015
This month only, you can download a FREE audio copy (.mp3, .m4b) of an excellent introduction to systematic theology in everyday language called Everyone’s A Theologian by renowned teacher R. C. Sproul from Christianaudio.com. Every month they give away a free audiobook and this is the one for the month of February. Over the past couple of years, they have given away books by John Piper, Jerry Bridges, J. I. Packer, Francis Schaeffer, R.C. Sproul, Matt Chandler, and many others, all for free in audio format.
“Yes, everyone is a theologian. R.C. Sproul offers a detailed explanation of the importance and role that theology plays in the Christian life. In his usual manner, he is able to make complex subjects easy to understand. This significant theology introduction will aid any believer to apply Christian truths in their walk with Christ.”