13 December, 2013
In case you aren’t aware, here at eChristianResources we have a page dedicated to FREE Christian non-fiction deals that are good for more than a limited-time. Currently that page lists 131 books from authors such as John Piper, D. A. Carson, Francis Chan, Wayne Grudem, Tim Keller, and more. The formats include Kindle/Mobi, ePub, and PDF.
What’s more is that the listings of free books on this page is searchable and you can organize the list by category (author, book title, publisher, and format).
Check it Out if you haven’t already!
The Six Newest Books on This List (all PDFs):
Family Worship by Joel Beeke (Reformation Heritage)
Systematic Theology by Louis Berkhof
Love in Hard Places by D. A. Carson (Crossway)
Making Sense of Christ and the Spirit by Wayne Grudem (Zondervan)
A Brief Bible History: A Survey of the Old and New Testaments by J. Gresham Machen & James Boyd
The One True God by Paul Washer